
session five:
in this session we begin to examine the mental aspects of addiction, looking at our addictive thinking and thought processes and the neural pathways that thinking and thoughts create, also how neural plasticity functions and how by utilizing this function we can manage our disorder.
We introduce the participant to the tool of 'self directed neural plasticity' which develops the new neural substrates/pathways needed for their recovery, through gaining more self awareness and changing perceptions of the self which gives rise to new insights and thinking patterns and to the formation of the brand new neural pathways needed to start managing their addiction disorder for the first time.
it also covers the neurological processes that occur when meditating and how our buddhist practice can rewire and develop certain brain regions, allowing us to control our impulses and urges to use.
we will also look in depth at the fundamental buddhist concept of karma and how this concept allows us to take ownership of our experiences that have occurred due to our addiction.
this empowers us to move from a sense of victimhood, where we have become entrenched and stuck by giving away the power, disempowering ourselves, blaming others or the environment for our predicament, to that of a survivor, were we have ownership over our experience, gaining agency and self reliance which brings about our self empowerment, allowing the participant to move on and grow.
this is achieved by taking full responsibility for our actions and their consequences, enabling us to move forward with our life in recovery, no longer being stuck in our endless suffering.
it also shows the similarities of c.b.t. and the buddhist concept of karma and that by changing our karma (thoughts, speech & actions) especially our thinking, we can enable positive change.
we also explore the nature and depths of our conscious and unconscious mind and begin to understand that consciousness also has a universal dimension and how mind also transcends the confines of our physical body which enables us to change self perception and deepen our understanding of our relationship to others through this new self awareness.
also in this session we will explore how by tapping into this deepest level of our being, through buddhist practice, we can experience new liberating thoughts and emotions.
session six:
in this session we look at thinking and how feelings arise from thought and to remember that in the final analysis it is always our feelings that we use on.
it is uncomfortable feelings that we want to change by using a mind altering substance or more pleasurable feelings that we want to magnify and intensify by using our drug of choice.
we must raise our self awareness regarding how we are feeling or what life condition we are experiencing moment to moment to be able to manage the risk of relapse.
am i hungry, angry, lonely, tired? (h.a.l.t.) or a myriad of other uncomfortable feelings such as depression, guilt & anxiety, as it is a well known fact that these feelings & emotions are massive internal triggers.
i have always found that my buddhist practice always changes how i am feeling for the better, after i have performed gongyo & shodai, my daily buddhist practice, i always feel invigorated & empowered to take on all of life's vicissitudes.
we also get to the fundamental teaching which is the basis & bedrock of faith in nichiren shoshu buddhism that of ichinen sanzen or three thousand realms existence in a single moment of life which is embodied in the dai gohonzon (the great mandala) as it explains the mutually inclusive relationship between the self and all phenomena in the universe.
this teaching is as nichiren daishonin himelf said.

'you must know that the sutra's the buddha has preached during the four periods, the sutra of infinite meanings (muryogi kyo) that the buddha now preaches, and the nirvana sutra , which the buddha will preach, are easy to believe & easy to understand, as they are the teachings expounded according to the minds of the people. (jap: zutai)
the lotus sutra is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand , as it is the teaching expounded according to the buddha's own mind. (jap: zuijii)
the teaching expounded based on the buddha's enlightenment is superior to the teaching expounded based on the peoples mind"

the teaching of ichinen sanzen is the highest teaching revealed in the lotus sutra and is the basis of faith in nichiren shoshu buddhism and is the most difficult teaching to understand and internalize as it expresses the enlightenment of the buddha but we must continue to study this teaching until we ourselves have come to understand it fully and have internalized it, engraving it in our hearts & minds.
session seven:
many people when they first come into recovery are unaware that there are many differing theories on the nature of addiction and understanding these differing views and perspectives can enhance understanding of your own personal experience of your addiction disorder.
in this next session we explore some of the different models of addiction giving the participant different perspectives on their condition and a deeper understanding of what treatment options are possible so they may make an informed decision on what path to choose.
i personally found the biopsychosocial model with its holistic approach more relatable to my own lived experience as its holistic approach resonates with the sun lotus model which i use in my own recovery.
i still 'cherry pick' from the differing models to help with my own understanding of my experience of my addiction disorder, using the various concepts unique to that model to enhance my own understanding.
this session is designed like the others to bring about increased self awareness by understanding the different ways of looking at addiction and using what resonates with the individuals life to build a personal picture of what an addiction disorder means to them.
we also introduce another fundamental tenant of nichiren shoshu buddhism that of the great mandala or dai gohonzon, a copy of this 'true object of worship' is enshrined in the persons home when and if they decide to practice seriously and to become a member of the nichiren shoshu community of believers (hokke ko) which enables them to practice correctly and to maximize the benefits of their buddhist practice in their daily lives.
if you feel that this is something you would like to explore further, please use our contact us page for further details.